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ScreenResolution.org was created by Andrew Sheng, -
a senior software engineer since 1996 and a freelance since 2001.
If you are a web designer or webmaster, you should check browser compatibility before publishing your web pages, you also want to know what is the most common screen resolution? If you didn't test your pages using different screen resolutions, your page may be stretched to fit a large screen, or be cropped to fit a small screen.
When I built my first personal web site in 1999, the majority of visitors (58%) arriving my site used a display resolution of 800x600, 22% used 1024x768. This situation has changed, and today(Jan 2009), 27.35% used 1024x768, 21.35% used 1280x800, only 2.05% used 800x600.
On Dec 12, 2008, I released ScreenResoltuion beta to collect the screen solution information from internet users. it shows the screen resolution of your current monitor, provides screen resolution realtime statistics since .
On Feb 09, 2009, I added "Get your site Report" feature to ScreenResoltuion, with this feature, you can get the internet user screen resolution statistics of your site for FREE.
If you have any questions or advices, please feel free to send an E-mail to .
Note: The message must be written in English.